Customized Digital Printing in Beverages and Snacks is a Customer Dream

Customized Digital Printing in Beverages and Snacks is a Customer Dream

If you haven’t noticed, mass custom digital printing is trending across the beverage and snack goods industry over the past few years. Coca Cola was the first to successfully use custom digital printing on such a large scale with their Share a Coke campaign with different names printed on every bottle. This kind of packaging and label disruption is empathizing with consumers and making a personal connection with them at the shelf.

Have you seen the new Anheuser-Busch custom cans and bottles?

Hewlett Packard’s digital printing technology has been leading the way for most of these mass custom campaigns. Their technology recently led the 200,000 unique bud light festival cans to target millennials at their favorite music venues.  (Source)

Check out the new custom Snickers campaign

Snickers is running a new “Hunger Bars” campaign with custom digital printed packaging. The unique hunger symptoms on each bar help you identify with your hunger type. This is another great example of how packaging can leverage the mass customization, customer-centric trends in the consumer goods industry.

“We believe the new bars will inspire people to not only quickly identify their own symptoms and satisfy their hunger, but give them a new, fun way to call-out friends and family on who they become when they’re hungry, too.”
-Allison Miazga-Bedrick, director of the Snickers brand

Our Thoughts

We are seeing first hand with these digital printed campaigns how packaging can emotionally affect people and how it can affect their decision making process at the point of purchase. Brands have found a way to connect with consumers who want to be different. We are interested in testing these concepts with brands looking to try mass custom digital printing. Will you be the next brand to connect with consumers through unique and personalized packaging? Test it with us, first.

Did you see our previous post on ‘How Capitalism Created Cool’? Check it out here.

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