The most recent SC Manufacturing Conference and Expo turned out to be South Carolina’s most significant manufacturing event in recent memory with over 4,000 people in attendance. The event included: the Salute to Manufacturing Awards Luncheon, the Workforce Development Breakfast, 30+ speakers and 250+ exhibitors from across the country, several panel discussions on topics of interest to the manufacturing community, tours of manufacturing facilities, a B2B matchmaking event pairing OEMs and 1st tier suppliers with our exhibitors, VIP cocktail receptions and VIP dinners.
The 2018 Conference, is quickly shaping up to be even bigger and better. Join manufacturing professionals from across the Southeastern U.S. to discuss the latest manufacturing trends and topics, share their vision, become inspired and immerse yourself in manufacturing culture. More than 250 exhibitors from across the country have reserved an exhibit booth for this year’s conference.
The South Carolina Manufacturing Extension Partnership (SCMEP) is a private, non-profit group that serves as a proven resource to South Carolina manufacturers, providing them with a range of innovative strategies and solutions. They exist to help small and mid-size manufacturing companies compete, grow and win. SCMEP is also the title sponsor of this year’s SC Manufacturing Conference and Expo.
September 11-12, 2018
TD Convention Center
Greenville, SC