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Eye Tracking on

Mac & Cheese

Interactive Report

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A consumer research project was conducted at Package InSight’s shopper lab to test the quantitative and qualitative aspects of a beloved grocery favorite: Mac & Cheese. 227 participants shopped a representative competitive planogram, which consisted of 31 different SKUs. Participants were asked to shop as they normally would. Eye tracking technology was used to capture the eye movements at 50 times per second to measure participant shopping behavior.


SKUs in Play

31 different SKUs of Mac & Cheese products were in the display.


The results from this study consist of below sections:

Eye Tracking Key Metrics

  • Total Fixation Duration (TFD)
    • The time, in seconds, spent on average by participants fixating on this item. The higher the number, the better the package performed.
  • Time To First Fixation (TTFF)
    • The time, in seconds, from when a product first enters a participant’s field of view until they fixate on it. The lower the number, the better the package performed.
  • Fixation Count (FC)
    • The total number of times a participant’s scan of the planogram crossed into a particular area of interest.

Eye Tracking Visualization

  • Heat Maps
  • Gaze Plots

Purchase Decision

  • Measures how many participants chose to buy the item. The higher the number, the better the package performed.


Eye Tracking Key Metrics for SKUs

Chart by Visualizer

Chart by Visualizer
Chart by Visualizer


Eye Tracking Key Metrics for Design Elements by Brand

Chart by Visualizer


Eye Tracking Shopper Vision

Shopper 1

Shopper 2


Eye Tracking Gaze Plots

Shopper 1

Shopper 2


Eye Tracking Heat Maps



Purchase Decision

Chart by Visualizer


Learn more results in the report.
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