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We looked at individual label elements: Brand Name, Product Name, Visual Illustrations, and Callouts. This graph shows Fixation Duration for each Brand’s label, and the breakdown of that time by element.
Package InSight

A consumer research project was conducted at Package InSight’s shopper lab in December 2018 to test the quantitative and qualitative aspects of a beloved seasonal grocery favorite: Eggnog. 44 participants shopped a representative competitive planogram, which consisted of 24 different Eggnog SKUs compiled from 5 national grocers. Statistical differences in measured behavior (eye tracking @ 50 times per second) were analyzed to determine which brands commanded the most attention on the shelf, post-shopping online surveys were used to collect qualitative information, and half the participants (the self-described Eggnog fans) participated in a sensory experiment to further illustrate the consumer connection with a brand, its packaging, and the product inside.


Shopper 1: Female
- 34 years old
- 2 kids
- 45K income
Shopper 4: Female
- 24 years old
- 0 kids
- 35K income
Shopper 2: Female
- 51 years old
- 3 kids
- 60K income
Shopper 5: Female
- 39 years old
- 1 kids
- 55K income
Shopper 3: Male
- 57 years old
- 3 kids
- 65K income
Shopper 6: Male
- 28 years old
- 1 kids
- 25K income