Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication – Part 3 of 3
By Dr. R. Andrew Hurley
Contributing Editor, Packaging World
How do you determine what your most crucial five to nine selling points should be? The brand owner has one list, the strategy team another, and the design team has an entirely separate focus. The best way to analyze your design is to let your consumers show you what works, before you go into full production. Quantitative consumer testing, like eye tracking and emotion mapping, can be an invaluable window into how the everyday shopper quickly perceives your package. By tracking the shopper’s gaze, you can instantly determine what “chunks” of your packaging garner the most attention, and how your product stands up against others on the crowded retail shelf.
If your audience only has seven seconds to make a memory before they are on to the next flight of fancy, be sure your packaging is simple and impactful. If you have any questions on how exactly to improve your product’s recall factor, I’d love to hear them.
Dr. R. Andrew Hurley is Assistant Professor of Packaging Science, Clemson University, and founder of Package InSight and The Packaging School.