iMAGINE Upstate is an annual festival in Greenville, SC that promotes PreK – 12 education and workforce development across our region. The 4th Annual iMAGINE Upstate STEAM Fest will be held on April 7th, 2018 in the West End of downtown Greenville as the culmination of a 10-day community-wide celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. This event is free and open to the public!
The mission of iMAGINE Upstate is to create meaningful experiences that promote a culture of lifelong learning and career readiness with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM), innovation, and entrepreneurial activity in Upstate South Carolina. iMAGINE Upstate is a program of South Carolina’s Coalition for Mathematics & Science (SCCMS) at Clemson University.
Community Impact Melissa Huff iMAGINE Upstate Director melissahuff@imagineupstate.org (864) 386-3498 12,000 – 15,000 Attendees on April 1, 2017! Over 20,000 reached over 10-days of community events 70 Learning experiences, exhibits and special events Exhibitors: 37 nonprofits, 18 schools and educational institutions, and 14 Upstate industry leaders National online reach from North Carolina to California 20,864 Facebook impressions Over 7,000 website visits during 10-day period.
April 7. 2018
Greenville, SC